Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Sometimes...I wish I knew exactly what to say with the hopes that you would understand me clearly. I just want to use the right adjectives, verbs, and nouns so that you can truly know what I mean. Feel what I feel, see things as I see it, hear it when I say it, and understand that I mean it. But most of the time, Im at a lost for words. Sooo words turn into verbs and thus I've found that Im way better at showing you. Because I cant speak. I would write it down but I think you may think that its elementary. Sooo I dont know. How can I put it in a way for you to just understand. Damn...how can I say this. Because you think you know but you have no idea. Erykah said, what good do your words do if they cant understand you. So now Im thinkin, maybe its you. Maybe we choose what we hear and what we dont. Thus, it wouldnt matter if I broke it down in laments terms or not because irregardless, your gonna do your thing and only hear pieces that you can refut so that you can maintain your defense. I hate defense mechanisms. Sooooo here is the solution, I will just stop. try. ing. Maybe my silence will speak for me. Hopefully.

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